Infectious diseases

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Humans, animals and the environment - our health is all connected

Why the One Health approach is important now more than ever

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How we can strengthen vaccination programs and build vaccine confidence together

Two MSD leaders share how we’re working to help protect communities from vaccine-preventable illnesses

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Empowering others to speak up about HPV-related cancers

The impact of Gina’s diagnosis inspired her to help others prioritize their health

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The impact of RSV: a father’s story and call for prevention

When his own daughters became sick, one colleague saw firsthand the need to protect kids from RSV

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Why cytomegalovirus (CMV) should be on your radar

Once you have CMV, it stays in your body for life.

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The new generation making an impact on HIV

Meet these young advocates helping to lead the response to HIV around the world

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How you can help slow the threat of antimicrobial resistance

The growing burden of AMR is threatening the return to a world without effective antibiotics

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Understanding adult pneumonia: causes, symptoms and risk factors

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can cause serious complications

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A physician committed to advancing pneumococcal disease research

Dr. Kristen Feemster and her team work to help address pneumococcal disease for people of all ages

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MSD’s legacy of antimicrobial innovation and action

Delivering on our commitment to fight infectious diseases for more than a century

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Sarampión: síntomas y signos

Obtenga más información sobre qué es el virus del sarampión y cómo se propaga el sarampión

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How we're collaborating to address antimicrobial resistance - and why we can't do it alone

Shared commitments like the AMR Action Fund are vital to make progress against this public health threat

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Meet two women at the forefront of our HIV research

Two esteemed scientists share their motivations and hopes for the future of HIV research

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Learn more about invasive pneumococcal disease and how it spreads

Invasive pneumococcal disease can lead to a number of serious illnesses in children

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How antimicrobial resistance is threatening one of our most critical health tools

Why antibiotics are a critical medicine and how we can help protect them

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Is your child up to date on their vaccines? Make a plan today

Keeping kids’ vaccinations current can help protect them against vaccine-preventable diseases

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Our partnerships help make vaccines accessible worldwide

How our colleagues are collaborating with organizations to improve global vaccination rates

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Why improving health literacy is important

Many people struggle to understand health information, which can impact health outcomes. What we're doing to help around the world

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Innovation is key to combating antimicrobial resistance in Asia-Pacific

Investing in research and innovative solutions gives us the best chance to fight these ‘superbugs’

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An oral history: Stepping up throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

Scientists, leaders, global partners and more reflect on how we rose to the challenge and worked together, one moment at a time

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Antimicrobial resistance - an emerging public health crisis

Q&A with Dr. Jenelle Krishnamoorthy on the urgent need to work together to address the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

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Our commitment to HIV treatments and prevention through the years

We continue to work at the forefront of the fight against HIV

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From Kenya to the U.S., she’s helping lead the fight against HIV

Growing up in Kenya during the height of the HIV/AIDS crisis inspired MSD’s Dr. Bern Ng’eno to commit her life to improving HIV treatment and care