Discovery science

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Vaccine inventors, creators and innovators

Dr. Maurice Hilleman was among pioneering scientists who made strides in vaccine history and the fight against infectious disease

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Vaccines: Our history, our legacy

MSD and its legacy companies have been working to discover and develop vaccines for more than a century

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A new foundation for future talent

We’re partnering with America’s largest HBCU to launch a collaborative biotechnology learning center

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Taking on Zaire ebolavirus

How science and innovation fuel our efforts to help combat a rare but potentially deadly disease

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In our commitment to R&D, the numbers speak for themselves

We follow the science where we can make the greatest difference

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Harnessing innovative technology in drug discovery

MSD scientists explain how new technologies can accelerate the drug discovery process as we use the power of leading edge science to save and improve lives

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Acting early in cancer detection

Diagnosing cancer early, before it has spread, may potentially lead to better outcomes

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Macrocyclic peptides: the next wave of drug discovery

MSD scientists say the “Goldilocks” chemical modality could lead to new ways to impact disease

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Podcast: Meet the dealmakers 

MSD’s business development and licensing team explain how they identify new opportunities to strengthen our robust R&D pipeline  

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Safeguarding the environment through green chemistry

When a manufacturing process doesn’t meet our standards, we build an award-winning, planet-friendly one

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Women in science? Absolutely

Strong career paths and cutting-edge science draw more women scientists -- like chemists and engineers -- to our small molecule process R&D team

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VIDEO: Here for Good – When passion and curiosity fuel innovation

Hear how one of our scientists balances her work and family life to accelerate our groundbreaking research

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Moving quickly to help support efforts to address the Ebola outbreak in Uganda

See how our people are planning to produce investigational vaccine for an urgent global health need

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MSD recognized on Fortune’s 2022 Change the World list

Recognition highlights our continued focus on expanding access

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Proteins in space: taking our research to the final frontier

MSD Research Laboratories scientist Paul Reichert works with the International Space Station to drive innovation

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35 Years: The Mectizan® Donation Program

The Mectizan Donation Program is the longest-running, disease-specific drug donation program of its kind

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Innovation is key to combating antimicrobial resistance in Asia-Pacific

Investing in research and innovative solutions gives us the best chance to fight these ‘superbugs’

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Dean Li: Agility is 'about letting the data guide you'

The president of MSD Research Laboratories discusses how managing priorities is a key to scientific success

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Innovation in the fast lane

MSD and Corning are two years into a joint effort to maximize data science, one of today’s hottest research fields

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A Nobel Prize for a longtime MSD collaborator

Princeton University’s David W.C. MacMillan is a co-winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in chemistry

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Our commitment to HIV treatments and prevention through the years

We continue to work at the forefront of the fight against HIV