Health awareness

Supermodel Veronica Webb raises awareness of lung cancer screening

Pushing past her fear, Webb learned how important it is to get screened for lung cancer

September 19, 2023

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Supermodel, mother, fashion icon and blogger Veronica Webb knew that because of her former history of smoking, combined with her age, she could be at high risk for lung cancer. Yet, getting screened for cancer was something that always scared her.

Globally, while lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancers, routine screenings for the disease are less prevalent compared to screenings for other types of cancers such as cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, or breast cancer.

Low-dose CT scans are painless and not invasive

Webb faced her fears and, no stranger to cameras, documented her first lung screening to show others what she learned: low-dose CT scans are painless and not invasive.

“It’s totally painless and, one, two, three, it’s over,” Webb said. “Knowing I was cancer free gave me peace of mind. If the people in your life and the things you want to do in your life mean a lot to you, get screened.”

Select factors that increase your risk for lung cancer are:*

A history of smoking
Exposure to certain materials in the environment, such as radon gas, asbestos and secondhand smoke
A family history of lung cancer
Exposure to other materials that cause cancer like arsenic, chromium and nickel

*The above list does not include all risk factors for lung cancer

Learn more about lung cancer and the risk factors