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Make the most of your doctor’s visit

Before you have your next doctor’s visit, take steps to make sure you make the most out of your time, and your doctor’s, too.


FAQs for your doctor's visit

Here are a few things you can do to be ready to give and get the health information you need.

Download FAQs

When you schedule a doctor’s visit, tell the doctor’s office how they can help you
  • If the doctor doesn’t speak your language, call ahead and ask if you need to bring someone who can be an interpreter.
  • Ask if your doctor offers telehealth visits. More and more doctor’s offices are using virtual visits (using a computer, phone or tablet) to make it easier for patients to get health care without leaving home. Ask if this option is available.

Write down the answers to these questions
  • What’s the reason for scheduling the appointment?
  • How am I feeling and what symptoms am I having?

Write down a few questions for your doctor
  • Is there something I can do for the symptoms?
  • What tests will I need?
  • What are my options for treatment, and how will the treatment help?
  • What are potential side effects of the treatment?

Prepare ahead of time if you're meeting with a new doctor for the first time
  • Jot down a list of your symptoms or medical problems, plus the names, doses and timing of the medicines you’re taking these days
  • Next, make a copy to give to your doctor when you arrive for your doctor visit and ask them to add it to your medical records

Ask someone to come with you
  • Consider asking a family member or friend to go with you to the doctor’s visit to help take notes and remember what the doctor says

Don't be embarrassed — your doctor has heard it all
  • If you’re planning to discuss a personal topic, one way to be more comfortable is to practice what you plan to say in advance